Last September, Dawson Creek BC announced a new initiative to help cut greenhouse gas pollution. The City pays $100 for each tonne of carbon emissions from the city's buildings, vehicles and other operations to Dawson Creek Carbon Fund which, in turn supports project which reduce greenhouse gas pollution within the comnmunity. This innovative approach to reducing its own greenhouse gas pollution works towards meeting its own commitment of carbon neutrality in its operations by 2012, as committed to under the B.C. Climate Action Charter. Dawson Creek worked closely with the Pembina Institute to design the Carbon Fund.
Dawson Creek is a recognized leader in British Columbia in implementing forward thinkingenergy efficiency and renewable energy projects and policies. We recognize that takingaction to reduce emissions is one of the most significant things a municipality can do tocombat climate change, and we are excited to meet this challenge head-on. We havesuccessfully taken some first steps towards fulfilling our commitment to be carbon neutralby 2012, and there is much more to do.(1)
For more information on the subject, refer to the following link
Dawson Creek’s Strategy
(1) On the Path to Carbon Neutral